COVID-19 Update from the WCA
Dear Wildwood Residents,
The Wildwood Community Association would like to thank you for your support and understanding around our Winter program COVID-19 cancellations. The process of refunding Winter 2020 program fees is now complete, and any questions around the status of your own refund can be sent to
For Spring 2020 programs (running Apr 20 – Jun 25), I’m afraid we still don’t have enough information to make a final decision. The start of programs will at a minimum be postponed until May, and may still be outright cancelled. As we understand the planning challenges this creates, we will do our best to have an answer for everyone by April 30th.
In light of this situation, our Spring 2020 online registration is still open, and in the event that your registered program(s) are shortened or cancelled, the appropriate partial or full refund will be issued during the month of May. However, if your family is experiencing any type of financial difficulty and would like your Spring 2020 fees refunded sooner than May, please contact us immediately at
Separate from programming, we appreciate the efforts the entire community is taking to stay home and help flatten the curve, by following physical distancing guidelines and practicing good hygiene. We understand this can be a stressful time with many questions and unknowns. Thankfully there are many good resources available, and we are going to take advantage of our website and social media platforms to share recommendations from the City and other community organizations over the coming weeks. Please continue to follow our Facebook page and website’s COVID-19 Resources page for updates and helpful tips on how to stay active and reduce stress while self isolating at home.
You can also find more current information at the following websites:
- City of Saskatoon COVID-19 Resources
- Province of Saskatchewan COVID-19 Resources
- Government of Canada – Coronavirus Information
- Government of Canada – COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
The Wildwood Community Association Board of Directors hopes everyone is finding health, safety, and comfort during these challenging times.
Patrick Hauser
Wildwood Community Association Board President