
Mission and Mandate

The Wildwood Community Association (WCA) was created to coordinate recreational programs and social activities, maintain the park and outdoor rink, and promote the well-being of residents. The WCA works to encourage a sense of community and works to improve the quality of life of the people in the neighborhood. The volunteer-run Association also provides a voice for the community on issues of local concern.

Objectives of the Wildwood Community Association:

  1. To promote and assist in the development of the educational, recreational, and social well being of Wildwood residents
  2. To encourage a sense of community and work to improve the quality of life of the people of the neighbourhood
  3. To promote, develop, and organize recreational, educational, and social programs, facilities, and sites by:
    1. Working in cooperation with the City of Saskatoon Community Services Department
    2. Working in conjunction with the Public & Catholic School Boards, and other organizations and agencies
    3. Raising funds for carrying out and furthering Association objectives


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