
What We Do

What do we, as Members of the Board, do?

Generally, there are board meetings once per month every 4th Tuesday at the Bishop Pocock School Library at 7:00pm (except July & August). Members of the board are generally elected for a two-year term.

Typical Board Meeting


This person is the overall leader of the association and ensures objectives are carried out. S/he will preside over the board meetings and Annual General Meeting and must prepare the agenda for both. S/he must ensure the meetings run smoothly and quickly in a positive atmosphere. S/he has signing authority for all payments, legal papers and contracts.


Assists the president in overall leadership of the association and helps out wherever necessary.


This person is responsible for the overall financial matters of the association and does this by maintaining financial records of the association in accordance the general accounting practices. S/he prepares and presents current financial statements at each Board meeting and also of the annual budget. S/he prepares and pays all payables and coordinates collection of registration fees and membership fees. S/he prepares grant application forms and submits them to Leisure Services. This person also prepares all floats for registration events and balances monies received from them.


The Secretary takes the minutes at the meeting and types them out for the board, and makes the revisions needed.  The Secretary is also responsible for booking the rooms and equipment for meetings and special events (such as the Fall Supper and registration nights).

Typical Board Meeting

Basketball Coordinator

Usually the first 2 months of the year would be the most work that the coordinator would have to do.  Here that coordinator would have to do the community registration and what is called the zone registration for those players that missed the community night.  The zone registration is mainly for the older players, like grades 9-12 and here you have a chance to trade players to other areas or ask for players to Wildwood to add to the existing team.  Once the teams are organized, then there is a deadline for the SMBA to register the teams online.  Then later on in the month all players need to be registered online also.  For Wildwood, last year we only had 3 teams, so this is not a big deal.  Once this is done, then the basketballs and uniforms must be distributed to the coaches for the coming year.  This is the majority of the work with a few small things along the line.

Soccer Coordinator

After registration night, the next 4 weeks are the busiest time.  You need to register each team with SYSI and to find coaches.  SYSI will send you an information package with step-by-step instructions on how to register all the teams.  After finding all the coaches, you will need to organize all the soccer equipment so that each team has enough jerseys and balls for the amount of players they have.  For soccer we get around 6 teams in the outdoor season and around 4 teams in the indoor season.  At the end of the season you will need to contact each coach and ask them to return all the jerseys and equipment to you so that you can count it and if need be purchase more equipment that went missing or has been damaged throughout the season.

Children / Youth Programs Coordinator & Indoor Adult Coordinator

New position, with room for creativity.  The indoor coordinators plan the programming for the Fall and Winter sessions.  Some of this just carries on from year to year (i.e. kindersoccer), but effort is made with the assistance of the City of Saskatoon to explore new programs.  These people then handle the registration tables for these programs at the community registration night.  Contracts are sometimes signed with various instructors, and payment is made at the end of the program, if necessary.  Gym booking arrangements are made with the Bishop Pocock School secretary.  These positions are busiest just before and after registration time in September and January.  Often new class ideas come from those interested in running them, so not all new class ideas must come from you!!

Membership Coordinator

This person keeps all membership materials, runs the membership table at registration nights and most community events, and supplies membership details to Board.  Room for creativity to come up with ideas to sell more community memberships (the WCA’s main source of income) but this aspect is not necessary.

Social Coordinator

Organizes and coordinates social events and activities for the Community Association.

Communications Coordinator

In a nutshell, this person tries to put a ‘face’ to the WCA, by getting in touch with the community via newsletters, website, posters and of course being at the registration nights and events that the WCA puts on. We try to let people know what’s going on, what needs to be done and also to let the Wildwood residents know we are regular people trying to make ours a better community!

Newsletter Coordinator

Puts the newsletter together about three times a year, Fall, Winter and Spring. Distributes to the schools and the Lakewood Civic Centre.

Typical Board Meeting

Community Consultant / City Liaison

Acts as a liaison between the community association and the city. Supports the community association in all activities requiring City Hall involvement, and relays relevant information, invitations, and discussions back the city and Mayor. For example, if a street light, or park light is burnt out, this person will pass along the info to the correct department at city hall.


These people participate as members of the Board of Directors by attending monthly Board meetings and representing the general membership on issues of interest or concern.

Volunteer Coordinator

Create and keep a list of potential volunteers the community, assist other Board members who are in need of volunteers in their particular areas to find them (mainly through email), formally thank all volunteers on behalf of the WCA.

Interested in volunteering on the board?

If you’re interseted in putting your name forward for a specific position, feel free to Contact Us!


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