
Spring Programming

Published by WCA on


Outdoor Soccer  May 1-June 30
U6 (Timbits) Born during or after 2007
U8 Born 2005 & 2006
U10 Born 2003 &2004
weekdays TBA, Price TBA
** Volunteer Coaches for all ages needed. Training provided upon request. No experience necessary
Spring Flag Football 
Saskatoon Minor Football can be done online 
through www.saskatoonminorfootball.com
The cost is TBA.
Saskatoon Minor Basketball
Spring League 2013
The Saskatoon Minor Basketball Association is once again having a Spring League program for youth from grade 4 to grade 11. 
The league includes female and male basketball players in:
Grades 4 and 5 Grades 8 and 9
Grades 6 and 7 Grades 10 and 11
The league will be starting on April 8 and run until May 30. 
Practices and games will be during the week and will take place in community schools. Players can register individually or as a team on the SMBA website.
Teams will be formed by the SMBA, using the Zones and Community Associations boundaries.
The cost is $95 (Includes your own SMBA reversible jersey)
The cost is $75 (For a player that has reversible from a previous SMBA spring league)
Registration can ONLY be completed online at the NEW SMBA Web Site:http://smba.leaguetoolbox.com/league/ 
starting January 1, 2013
Early Registration Deadline is MARCH 4, 2013
Coaches are also needed and can register on the web site
For more information mail to randi.mac@shaw.ca or phone Randi at 343-1832

Spring Boot Camp 
April 21- June 23 8 classes $50 
Swim suit season is just about here! Join us at the Wildwood hill for spring boot camp,
to help you look and feel your best!
Sundays at noon, no classes May long weekend.
Cost as a Barrier

Cost as a Barrier is a program offered by community associations and funded by the City of Saskatoon to help families with low income participate in community programs.  All applications are confidential.  This is a great program enabling families to enroll their kids in activities they may not otherwise have a chance to participate in.  Contact any board member or ask for more information at registration.